30th of November 2019 – 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm (for Men only)

This is an external organised event. The content does not reflect the views of Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e.V. necessarily.


Awakening Action is the second seminar in the trilogy of Awakening Vira. It is about action: how and from where to act (you don’t need to have attended the previous seminar in order to participate in the second).

It is about finding meaning and purpose in our life but first and foremost in our actions: in what we are doing right here and right now. From there, to start to construct and to basically create our own life from our daily actions and habits.

Also, we are going to address goal setting, in specific, superior goal setting: why it’s important for a man to have a goal, and to have something to strive towards. That goal we choose should of course be for the benefit of our evolution but also for the benefit of the entire picture, for the world around us. We cannot just have a goal for our own little nose or bellybutton but we need to contribute to the world and contribute to that collective field of consciousness that we are plunged into. When we have a goal and when we find meaning of our action we can start to see some purpose in our life like a sun shining a little bit through the clouds. The more we tune into that, the more the clouds will disappear and we can actually see where we are going and all these things.

But of course, this is on the pre-condition that we have been through Awakening Consciousness, the first of the seminars in the trilogy where we learned to center into our heart, and feel ourselves, and center into our own emotion and our own life and listen to the voice of our hearts.

From there we can start to engage into action. And from actions we can begin to take bigger and bigger goals in life. And finding in the end the meaning and the purpose of why are we here.

What you’ll learn…

  • That a True Man is not born, he is forged
  • The Role of the Man in the Modern World
  • The play of Action and Consequences
  • Putting the Heart behind Action

The Speaker

Thomas Orboe is a yoga and tantra course instructor at Natha Yoga Center Copenhagen. He is also skilled personal trainer and diet counselor, and has helped many transition to a new healthier lifestyle. Thomas is the coordinator of the Awakening Vira project for helping men re-discover the fundamental principles and mechanisms of masculinity based on ancient tantric knowledge and modern science as he has learned from his mentor and tantra course instructor Advaita Stoian.


Single Seminar
Normal: 40 € | Reduced: 35 € | Members: 30 €




MahaYoga Zentrum
Brunnenstr. 147
10115 Berlin
(directly at underground station Bernauer Str. (U8) – elevator exit)