A comprehensive and ever actual map of the human consciousness

Part 1: 22nd – 24th of November 2019

Recuperation Part 1 (video recording): 14th – 15th of December 2019

Part 2: 31st of January – 2nd of February 2020


The enneagram esoteric system is one of the oldest known spiritual traditons. The word ‘enneagram’ derives from the greek ennea (“nine”) and gramma (“something writen or drawn”) and refers to the nine points or main aspects of the enneagram sytem, which are at the same time profound insights into the nine fundamental ways in which people feel, think, and behave – in other words, the nine human typologies.

Far more than just a psychological framework, the enneagram can offer a complete self-realizaton, together with a profound understanding of the subtle connections between personality, psychological development and spiritual transformation. Being a dynamic system that identfies nine unique approaches to life, the enneagram is an extraordinary tool for the discovery (and transcending) of emotional and thought paterns that can distract us from the present moment and the powerful life force flowing through us.

Although the Enneagram contains multiple levels of complexity, it can be easily grasped and put in practice:

Even afer the frst steps into this spiritual system, your self-awareness will be signifcantly increased and you will be provided with very powerful tools for self-development.

In this seminar you will learn, among others…

  • how to identfy your Enneagram Type and thus learn both to identfy and transcend your personal vulnerabilites
  • how to communicate more effectvely, due to a deep understanding for the diversity of human expression
  • how to solve differences in your couple or other relatonships and make them harmonious and fulflling
  • how to evolve spiritually in a very fast and harmonious way
  • the esotericism of the Sufi Enneagram, as a sacred tool for self-discovery and self-transformaton

About the speaker

Adinathananda (Nicolae Catrina) is the founder of the only Kashmir Shaivism course in Europe and also a yoga course instructor with more than 30 years of experience.

The course was born more than 20 years ago and offers, in a unique way, adapted to the western mindframe, to thousands of course participants from Romania and other countries around the world, the richness and depth of this spiritual tradition. His profound interest in various forms of authentic spirituality and his spiritual intuition helped him to create several other courses, among which Tantric Alchemy, Enneagram, Esoteric I Ching, so on. He also founded a unique system for revealing the Divine Self, Atman, based on a supramental yet very accessible approach, which helped and inspired thousands of participants reach their spiritual essence.

He is the author of several books on Shaivism, Yoga, Tantra, spiritual art, etc. As a sanskritologist, he has done translations of important yogic and tantric texts, like Saundaryalahari, Shiva Samhita or Gheranda Samhita. For his Shaivism course participants, he offers the translation and the esoteric practical knowledge of many traditional texts, including Shiva Sutras, Spanda Karikas and Vijnana Bhairava Tantra.

Prices (part I + II)

Early Bird: 290 € (until the 1st of September 2019)

Normal: 380 €

Reduced: 350 € (students, unemployed, pensioners)

Members (ATMAN member organisations worldwide): 330 €

Special reduction*: 320 €

*(Special reductions is given to course participants of ATMAN member organizations of the following countries:

– Czech Republic and Slovakia

– all former Jugo Countries

– Romania

– Moldova

– Russia


The prices are also valid, if you recuperate the first part as a video recording.

Schedule of the Seminar (valid for part I & II)

Friday: 17:30 – 19:30 | 19:30 – 20:00 break | 20:00 – 22:30

Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 – 13:00 | 13:00 – 14:30 break | 14:30 – 17:30

Can I recuperate in case I miss the first part?

In case you miss the first part of this Seminar you can recuperate (video recording) on the 14th – 15th of December 2019 at MahaYoga Zentrum in Berlin.

Registration is possible until the 14th of December before the start of the recuperation.


Please write an email to berlin@traditionelles-yoga.de .

Please note that the registration is only completed with the successful payment of the seminar fee to the following bank account.

Bank Information

Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e.V.

IBAN: DE67 4306 0967 8202 1357 00


GLS Bank

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation and refund four or more weeks before the 22nd of November: complete refund.

Cancellation and refund until two or more weeks 22nd of November: 50 € cancellation fee.

Cancellation and refund less than two weeks before 22nd of November: refund of 50 % of the paid price.