7 Rays of Initiation – Unlock Your Personal Gate to the Absolute
When does the seminar take place?
22nd – 24th of May 2021 online
Various authentic spiritual traditions considered as source of creation a Supreme Counsciousness, which is unique, eternal and non-divisible, often referred to as the Absolute. When unfolding into manifestation, in order to create, maintain and eventually to reabsorb it at its end, the Absolute displays 7 cardinal aspects, exactly like the white light is composed from 7 distinguished colours, known to us as the rainbow colours, from red to violet.
Each such a cardinal aspect can be identified both on the universal as well as on the individual levels of existence. The most known representation from the latter level is the structure of the chakras. These 7 distinct ranges of universal energies (or vibration frequnencies) represent 7 well-defined and equally valuable gates to the Supreme Consciousness, each of them representing a genuine spiritual path towards Godly Transcendence. They are known as the 7 fundamental rays of initiation.
This 3 days seminar aims to provide a deeper understanding of each ray and its unfoldment in all aspects of your life, becoming thus precious practical knowledge which supports your soul journey on Earth.
In this seminar you will learn to
- understand your own reality (perception) and what drives you through life
- discover your natural path to the Absolute
- transform this knowledge into an efficient tool of spiritual evolution
- Teachings on the reality of the Assembly Point from the tantric view
- Practical modalities to determine the position of the Assembly Point and how to use it.
Saturday (22nd of May)
10:00 – 10:30 – Introduction
10:30 – 13:00 – Lecture 1
15:00 – 18:00 – Lecture 2
20:00 – 21:30 – Seminar
Sunday (23rd of May)
10:00 – 13:00 – Lecture 3
15:00 – 18:00 – Lecture 4
20:00 – 21:30 – Seminar
Monday (24th of May)
10:00 – 13:00 – Lecture 5
14:30 – 16:00 – Ending + Q&A session
Chloe Hünefeld
Chloe is a healing practitioner and has been practicing the traditional yoga paths since 1995, with a focus on Tantra Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Karma Yoga. Since 1998 she has been teaching almost daily preventive health methods of traditional yoga and Ayurveda in theory and practice. Her interest has always been in the personal path of each individual to awaken the soul and thus to more harmony and freedom. One can follow her teaching on various topics of personality development, yoga therapy, Ayurveda and traditional Tantra Yoga (especially Kashmir Shivaism) in Berlin. Since her youth she has been interested in the exploration of archetypal manifestations inside and outside the human being. Chloe understands the contents of her intensive seminar as profound knowledge, which cannot only be used in art and culture, but also allows us to grow beyond our everyday self.
Dr. Doru Bodea
Doru is a Doctor of Theoretical Physics and has worked for many years as a researcher at various universities and research institutions. He practices Tantra Yoga since 1991 and is a yoga and tantra yoga instructor himself – with 25 years of experience.
Since the youth his passion has been alchemy – and especially inner alchemy – which is described by the Tibetan Tantric tradition as the path of the soul, where ignorance turns into enlightened consciousness like black charcoal turns into a shining diamond.
Early Bird: 275,00 € until 30th of April 2021 (date of payment received)
Member: 300,00 €*
Reduced: 320,00 €
Normal: 350,00 €
*Members of Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e.V.
**Reduced price for pupils, university students, trainees, pensioners, unemployed and welfare recipients and persons under 21 – proof required.
Please write an email to berlin@traditionelles-yoga.de
After your payment arrived you will be provided with the access information for the seminar.
Bank information
Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e.V.
IBAN: DE67 4306 0967 8202 1357 00
GLS Bank
Please use as purpose: Participation fee 7 Rays of Initiation Seminar 2021 – participant name
Refund Policy
Complete refund until 29th of April 2021
30th of April – 8th of May 2021 100 € cancellation fee
After 8th of May 2021 50 % cancellation fee of the paid price