Spirituelle Kunst & Kreativität Retreat



Kunst ist die Sprache der Seele – ihr Weg sich auszudrücken und andere Seelen zu berühren. Kunst erlaubt den Austausch über geheimnisvolle Wirklichkeiten, die einfache Worte nicht zum Ausdruck zu bringen vermögen. Nutzen wir Kunst spirituell, erlauben wir der göttlichen Inspiration sich durch unsere Herzen in die Welt zu ergießen. Werden Sie ein göttlich inspirierter Künstler und füllen Sie ihr Herz mit erhabensten Zuständen und tiefer Freude! Das Spirituelle Kunst und Kreativität Retreat eignet sich sowohl für erfahrene Künstler als auch für jungfräuliche Neu-Künstler!

WICHTIG! Diese geheime spirituelle Einweihung bedarf Vorauswahl für die Teilnahme and der ersten Initiierung! Anmeldung bis zum 14. NOVEMBER per Email, ACHTUNG! Abgabe der vollständigen Anmeldeunterlagen nur bis 14. NOVEMBER 2013 möglich!


MODUL 1 – Erste Einweihung (Wdh. von 2012) 
Preise ab 170€
Ganztagsretreat 27.-31. Dezember 2013
Anmeldung unter eruester@traditionelles-yoga.de 

MODUL 2 – Zweite Einweihung (neue Einweihung!) 
Preise ab 120€
Ganztagsretreat 2.-5. Januar 2014
Anmeldung unter eruester@traditionelles-yoga.de 
Alle, die die erste Einweihung bereits erhalten haben, können sie kostenlos erneut besuchen! Wer hier essen und schlafen will, zahlt 50€ zusätzlich (siehe unten: Prices).

Eindrücke vom letzten Jahr:


We are happy about your interest and curiosity in our program and excited to finally tell you more about the art initiation that is hasted first time in Germany and Berlin. In this email you find some more information about the retreat and (most important!!!) the required sign-up informations.

Short Info: about the Retreat


Art is the language of the Soul. Art is the way one soul expresses itself, reaching out to touch another soul, communicating enigmatic realities that simple words cannot confer. Spiritual art is divine inspiration pouring into our hearts and through us into creative art work, making revealed and manifest what is hidden and transcendent. The spiritual artist must open his/her heart to the sublime, willfully call upon the divine inspiration, savor it fully and consciously in his/her heart, become it without tainting, and then give it form, color and sound – expressing the inexpressible. The Spiritual Art & Creativity Retreat offers an esoteric initiation into the mysteries of Spiritual Art. This secret initiation offers the practical keys and the spiritual investiture which will help you immensely on your path to become a spiritual artist. You may choose the form of art you wish to enrich yourself in, and dive into the practical experience of creating spiritual art. The Spiritual Art & Creativity Retreat is meant for both experienced artists from all fields, as well as for complete beginners in the arts. The retreat will include the annual international New Year’s meditations for a spiritual start in the coming year.

Art can be done in many ways, yet in all forms of art there are pieces that are entertaining or nice to look at and other pieces or performances that take our breath away. The ancient esoteric knowledge of oriental and occidental artists suggests that the specific inspiration that creates a mind-blowing, elevating, master piece of art can be reached with the use of spiritual techniques. As we perform such methods we open to become channels of the divine to create heavenly art that touches the viewer in a special way. It doesn’t matter which type of art you create – maybe you love to write, maybe you paint or draw, maybe you are a musician or sculptor, maybe you love to dance or perform, maybe you film or photograph, maybe you sing or cook or do hair or decorate or write theories of science – no matter what your way of expression is: the sources of inspiration are the same. Like each religion prays in there own way to the one divinity, the one life source, any artist expresses the same divine reality in his way with his tools. The Art Retreat 2013 offers a unique technique that combines the ancient esoteric knowledge on art and integration to a powerful tool for connecting to the divine sources of inspiration. Modul 1 of the retreat (27.-31.12.) offers the full initiation into theory and practice of that art technique so you can create in a divinely inspired way. Modul 2 of the retreat (2.-5.1.) offers a new „top-up“, a new version that allows you to implement more and more aspects into your work (Modul 1 has to be visitied first). We would be happy to embrace you here in our beautiful Yoga Centre in the centre of the European Art Capital Berlin for an inspiring New Years time! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxjhfWv2DKU PS: The New Years Meditations and spiritual program will be integrated harmoniously in the break between the two Moduls.

December 27th 2013 – January 5th 2014 (Modul 1: 27.-31.12. Modul 2: 2.1.-5.1.)
hosted by Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga Berlin
in MAHA Yogazentrum, Brunnenstraße 147, 10115 Berlin, Germany
sign up: eruester@traditionelles-yoga.de 

ATTENTION! Sign-up is only completed after application forms are delivered and retreat fee is tranfered to our account. Participation is only allowed after completed sign up and thereafter received permission to take part in the initiation!!! SIGN UP ONLY UNTIL 14. NOVEMBER 2013. Send pictures til 15. November latest.


Modul 1 – first Initiation
– normal 200€
– reduced 180€
– members 170€
plus 100€ board and lodging if required

Modul 2 – second Initiation
– normal 150€
– reduced 130€
– memebers 120€
plus 100€ board and lodging if required
You may participate again to the first initiation if you have it already. Then you pay only 50€ extra for food and lodging.

Modul 1+2 – first und second initiation
– normal 350€
– reduced 310€
– memebers 290€
plus 150€ board and lodging if required
For the ones that participated already to the first initiation in 2012 (they have a passport) and want to visit again the first intitiation you pay only the price for the second initiation plus 50€ extra for food and lodging.

Board and Lodging

We will offer daily three simple but delicious vegetarian whole meals including tea. You will be accommodated in dormitories with other retreat participants here in MAHA Yogazentrum. It is recommended to eat with us and stay over night as you remain in the wonderful atmosphere and field of this spiritual retreat, enjoying together also the free moments, nights and meals. If you want to stay here please bring sleeping bags and isolation mats.
board and lodging costs
Modul 1 – 100€
Modul 2 – 100€
Modul 1+2 – 150€ 

 About your participation & what you need to do now ;-)

Deadline for sign-up

Since the New Year’s Retreat includes also some secret spiritual initiations, reserved only to those who are prepared – the participation depends upon a selection. In order for this selection to happen in due time, it is needed that you sign up latest by _______________ via Email and full application needs to be here in the centre until ___________. We will accept sign-upsalso later – BUT: Everyone who signs up after ___________ will not be assured to receive answer to his application in time to participate!!!

How to sign-up – and participation conditions

Please be aware that because of the special conditions in this retreat, which will make the experiences extremely intense, participation in the camp will only be accepted through a special selection done in advance. IMPORTANT! Sign-up (giving pictures and info, paying the fee) will NOT assure you to be part of the retreat! Only if you are accepted for the retreat in time you will be allowed to participate! Of course in case you payed the fee and you will not be accepted you will receive your money back immediately.

Möchten Sie sich anmelden? Schreiben Sie eine Email an eruester@traditionelles-yoga.de

Anmeldung erfolgt bei vollständiger Überweisung des Geldbetrages an unser Konto

Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e.V.
Konto-nr.: 8202135700
GLS Bank Bochum: 43060967

Bitte im Verwendungszweck angeben für welchen Kurs oder welche Veranstaltung Sie überweisen und falls der Kontoinhaber nicht mit dem Kursteilnehmer übereinstimmt bitte auch den Namen des Kursteilnehmers im Verwendungszweck angeben. Bitte leisten Sie mehrere Zahlungen nicht als Sammelüberweisung (z.B. Kursbeitrag und Spenden bitte nur in getrennten Überweisungsaufträgen)

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Vergünstigungen nur durch Vorlegen des entsprechenden Ausweises gegeben werden können (Studentenausweis, Personalausweis etc.).


• Rücktritt und Rückzahlung bis 10 Tage vor Seminarbeginn: volle Rückerstattung abzüglich € 5,00  Stornogebühr
• Rücktritt und Rückzahlung weniger als 10 Tage vor Seminarbeginn: 50 % Rückerstattung des gezahlten Betrags
• Umbuchungen oder Rücktritt mit Gutschrift bis 10 Tage vor Seminarbeginn: kostenlos möglich
• Umbuchungen weniger als 10 Tage vor Seminarbeginn oder Rücktritt mit Gutschrift, wenn aufgrund dessen der Kurs ausfällt: € 5,00 Stornogebühr

* Ermäßigte Preise für Schüler, Studenten, Auszubildende, Rentner, Arbeitslose und Sozialhilfeempfänger und Personen unter 21 Jahren.

– If you require translation please mention clearly in your sign-up email. If there are minimum 7 people  translation is offered without extra costs. If less than 7 people signing up for translation there will be extra costs for translation work in accordance with the seminar you are taking. Please ask for the amount as you sign up.
– Sollten Sie für bestimmte Veranstaltungen Übersetzung beanspruchen wollen, geben Sie dies unbedingt in ihrer Anmeldeemail an. Es bedarf minimum 7 Teilnehmer, die Übersetzung in Anspruch nehmen wollen, um die Übersetzung ohne Zusatzkosten anzubieten. Bei weniger als 7 Teilnehmer, die Übersetzung beanspruchen, fallen Übersetzungkosten in Höhe an. Erfragen Sie diese bitte bei der Anmeldung.

How to do the pictures and what information to give? >> For informatlease write an Email to eruester@traditionelles-yoga.de 

The retreat will consist mainly of the meetings for receiving the special secret initiation into spiritual art and creativity. After receiving the initiation there will be approximately one day (calculate 8 hours) to practically create something with the new knowledge and integration you have now. This can be anything you can think of, anything you are able to do in this timeframe and that does not require any equipment that you cannot bring yourself (eg. make a poem, a novel, a painting, a drawing, … | design a flyer, a dress/cloth, product, furniture, … (on a paper) | compose a piece of music, a song, lyrics, … | make a choreography, write a theatre play, perfection a drama dialogue, …| write a film script, cut and make a shot movie clip, …).
IMPORTANT! We will need to know what you plan to do in your practical day. Be aware that you will NOT learn how to practically draw, paint, dance, and so on, but you will learn how to do all those arts SPIRITUALLY INTEGRATED! There will be several spiritual artists that will help you to understand how to do art (rather then teaching you how to hold a pencil). That means: Chose an art that you know to do or you want to try for yourself. Even you can chose something you already DID, such as a piece of music, a painting, etc, and now perfection it with your new knowledge. Like this you can also see the difference between the first time you created it and this time (after the initiation). Also if you want to do something in a group eg. dancing, theater, etc. we will arrange you to be together with those also interested in that. For any art that you want to do it is necessary to bring your own equipment! For example if you want to paint you will get from us the space and some table to put your equipment but you will need to take care of paint, canvas, brushes, etc (all you need) by yourself. If you want to dance you will ned to bring your own inspiration, shoes and cloth for that, if you want to make a movie bring your own camera, lap top etc.
Be aware that we will be many people working in a limited space! Therefore be prepared if you are a dancer that others will be in the room too, maybe dancing as well. If you are a composer maybe it will be possible to bring headphones in order not to disturb the others. If you are a painter you will need to share the table for equipment with others, and so on. We will aim to organize ourselves in groups where it makes sense, eg. dance and theatre. Of course we will use our space as much as we can in order to create a good space for everyone to do what they wish to do. If you have special requests please contact us before hand to make sure this will be possible. Motto: Be fair and share! Unity in diversity! Let’s experience our individuality as one in our wonderful group.

Where to send the application
Send your 3 analogue pictures each with the required information written at the back (of each picture!) until __________________(date of arrival!!!) to:

Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga
z.H. Herrn Emeric Rüster
Brunnenstraße 147
10115 Berlin

Note: Application is only considered completed when the retreat fee is transferred to our account!

Practical Information


It is recommended to announce in good time that you plan to come, since we have limited places in the yoga centre. We do not guarantee for anybodies participation if they just show up, and they did not organize their accommodation beforehand, and if they did not give pictures and got them approved beforehand. The accommodation will be in common dormitories. We kindly inform you there are no private rooms in the yoga centre as there will be many people joining the event.

Please bring with you

Bed sheets, sleeping bag, pillow, etc. for sleeping; warm cloths (German winter can involve snow ;-) ) and cloths for yoga practice and doing art (eg. if you paint bring your painting cloth). Any personal things you need also blanket for practice and pillow for meditation as what we have here might not be enough to satisfy your personal needs. Bring everything required to do your art (brushes, paint, computer, pictures, instrument, dancing shoes, camera, etc.). Make sure you announce your art project beforehand! Especially if you need a lot of space or other special conditions we cannot promise anyone to get what he requires if it was not announced until 1. December 2013 and you received an „OK“ for your plans from our side!

General code of conduct for the retreat

Please be aware that during the retreat at the yoga centre it is not allowed to consume any kinds of drugs, alcohol, to smoke or to eat meat or drink coffee. Also it is not allowed to listen to any kind of disturbing music like rock, trash, heavy metal, jazz etc. Any kind of sexual harassment towards other participants will lead to immediate dismissal from the retreat and the yoga centre. Other code of conducts might be explained in the event program at your arrival.

About your Payment

Your payment is the final condition for booking in the retreat. When you transfer your payment please write your full name and „Art Retreat 2012 – Modul 1 OR Modul 2 OR Modul 1+2 OR Modul 2 + recopuration of Modul 1“ as comments according to your situation. Transfer ONLY the retreat fee according to when and under which conditions you signed up. Please pay your food and accommodation at your arrival in cash.


• due to the short sign up deadline there will be no cancellation possible
• cancellation due to sickness or other complications you will get the value of the retreat as a voucher for any other retreat

Please pay to our account …

Payment = registration to the retreat >> Only pay the retreat fee please! Which is 150€ before 14. November 2013!

National payments
Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e.V.
comment: your full name, Art Retreat 2012
Konto-nr.: 8202135700 | GLS Bank Bochum: 43060967

International payments:
Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e.V.
account-nr.: 8202135700 | Bank: GLS Bank Bochum | Bank Code: 43060967
BIC: GENODEM1GLS | IBAN: DE67 430609678202135700

See our website for general information about payment conditions:

If the practical circumstances around your participation are still not clarified we kindly ask you to contact  Emeric via email eruester@traditionelles-yoga.de.

Changes and disclaimer

Please be aware that there might occur changes to the program, teachers etc – and please be aware that Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga does not take responsibility for unforeseen mistakes in text, prices, etc and unforeseen events.

In case of questions, simply contact us! :-)