lehrer-doru-beniamin-bodeaDr. Phys. Doru Bodea (Ph.D.) is teaching Yoga from different Traditions (such as: Hatha Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Svara Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Laya Yoga a. o.) for many year throughout Europe giving classes, workshops, seminars and speaking in a variety of congresses, fairs, forums and festivals of spirituality as one of the leading teachers of ATMAN International Federation of Yoga and Meditation.

His elaborate scientific background of research and teaching in the field of modern physics interestingly kept deepening his faith in the relevance of his spiritual experiences and understanding allowing him to bring together the perspectives of science and spirituality in his work.

Doru Bodea was born in Sebes, Romania in 1971 and was raised by his parents in Alba Iulia, Romania. Details on his carrer as physics researcher and yoga teacher you find below. Currently he lives in Berlin. You can contact him at doru.bodea@traditionelles-yoga.de



Yoga general

  • yoga practitioner from 1991
  • 1995 – 2003 yoga teacher in Cluj, Romania
  • from 2003 yoga teacher of DAtY, in Berlin and Dresden

Tantra Yoga

  • Tantra Yoga practitioner from 1991
  • from 2010 Tantra Yoga teacher of  DATY, in Berlin Additional courses
  • Tantric Alchemy Course – Berlin, Helsinki and Copenhagen

Seminars, workshops, retreats (a brief selection)

  • The Art of Dreaming (workshop)
  • The Art of Dying (workshop)
  • Mysteries of the Mind (workshop)
  • Erotic Tantra (workshop)
  • Ways of Love (workshop)
  • Seven Rays of Initiation (workshop)
  • On the Sermon of the Mountain (workshop)
  • Numerology (workshop)
  • Tarot (workshop)
  • Spiritual Healing (retreat)
  • Spiritual Art (retreat)
  • Essential amorous secrets for loving couples which aspire to be happy (retreat)
  • Developing Attention (retreat)
  • Privileged moments and aspects in which God can be perceived and felt (retreat)

Selected publications

  • Fysikkens Atman, D. Bodea, Logos bevidsthedsmagasin, nr. 3, 34, September- November 2005.
  • Hjernen et orkester uden dirigent, D. Bodea, Logos bevidsthedsmagasin, nr. 6, 34, August-October 2006.
  • Faces of Time, D. Bodea, Die 7 Internationale Rhythmikwerksatt, Dalcroze 2006, Rhytmik in Licht der Zeit, Dresden, September 2006.
  • Das Bewusstsein der Erde, D. Bodea, Sein, no. 166, Juni 2009, http://www.sein.de/ archiv/2009/das-bewusstsein-der-erde.html Spatiu, Timp si dincolo de ele prin Yoga – book, in press



Didactic and / or scientific title : Ph. D.
Languages: Romanian, English, French, German (beginner level)
Sports: volleyball (Romanian First League between 1989 – 1997).
Additional education: Yoga teacher accredited by Atman Federation for Yoga and Meditation, teacher for Deutsche Akademie für Traditionelles Yoga e.V.


General Education:

  • High School in Mathematics and Physics, Alba Iulia 1985-1989.

Scientific education:

  • Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, Post – Doc position. (2004-2005), Group Electron Correla- tions, Prof. P. Fulde.
  • Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, Post – Doc position. (2003-2004), Group Electron Correla- tions, Prof. P. Fulde.
  • Universite Bordeaux I, Centre de Physique Moleculaire Optique et Hertzien, Post – Doc position. (2002-2003), Group of Prof. A. Würger.
  • ”Babes Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, Ph. D. Student in Theoretical Atomic Physics. (1997-2001), Supervisor Prof. O. Cozar.
  • ”Babes Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Faculty of Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics Department Master of Science. (1995- 1996)
  • ”Babes Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Faculty of Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics Department, student. (1990-1995)


  • 2000- Lecturer – Dept. of Theoretical Physics, ”Babes-Bolyai” Univer- sity Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • 1998-2000 Teaching Assistant – Dept. of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, ”Babes-Bolyai University”, Cluj Napoca, Romania.
  • 1996-1997 Tutor, Dept. of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, ”Babes-Bolyai University”, Cluj Napoca, Romania.


  • Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dres- den, Germany, invited researcher, (2009), Electron Correlations De- partment, Group Condensed Matter, Prof. R. Moessner.
  • Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dres- den, Germany, invited researcher, (2008), Electron Correlations De- partment, Group Condensed Matter, Prof. R. Moessner.
  • Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dres- den, Germany, invited researcher, (2007), Group Electron Correlations, Prof. P. Fulde.
  • Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dres- den, Germany, invited researcher, (2006), Group Electron Correlations, Prof. P. Fulde.
  • Free University Berlin, Institute for Theoretical physics, Germany, in- vited researcher, (2004). Group of Prof. H. Kleinert.
  • Aarhus Center for Advanced Physics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Den- mark, grant supported by the Royal Danish Government.(1997-1998), Group of Prof. L. H. Andersen.


Undergraduate teachings

  • Theoretical Atomic Physics (seminar, undergraduate level, 2nd year of Physics Faculty)
  • Statistical Mechanics (course and seminar, undergraduate level, 3rd year of Physics Faculty).
  • Quantum Mechanics (course and seminar, undergraduate level, 3rd year of Physics Faculty)

Graduate teachings

  • Field Theoretical Methods in Solid State Physics (course and seminar, graduate level, PhD students ).
  • Mathematical Methods for Theoretical Physics (course and seminar, graduate level, Master of Science students)


Research highlights:

Multi-electron processes in atomic and molecular collisions.
– I was involved (during my PhD thesis) in the theoretical study of the double ionization of the helium atom and of the hydrogen molecule by fast charged particle collisions. These studies implies to go beyond the independent – electron approximation in the many – body problem, and to take into consideration the effect of the correlations between different charged particles in order to explain the dependence of the cross section for the two – electron processes, in high velocity atomic and molecular collisions with charged particles, with the sign of the projectile charge.

Phase Transitions and Renormalization Group.
– One of the interest subjects is the study of the d – dimensional Bose gas at finite temperature using the Renormalization Group method, and in particular the calculation of the critical tempera- ture, the coherence length and the specific heat for a two dimen- sional Bose gas. – Another subject of interest is the study of an interacting Fermi systems near the ferromagnetic phase transition using the Renor- malization Group method. Near the quantum phase transition point these system usually present a non – Fermi behavior.

Low temperature physics of glasses.
– Now I am involved in the study of the low temperature behavior of the amorphous glasses such as the low-frequency dielectric suscep- tibility in external magnetic field, or the amplitude of spontaneouspolarization echoes generated in this materials. It has been re- ported a strong magnetic field dependence of the low-temperature dielectric properties of these systems. We strongly believe that the nuclear quadrupole is responsible for this anomalous behavior of some insulating glasses in strong external magnetic field.

Selected papers:

Electron correlation in the double excitation of the helium atom by fast charged particles L. Nagy and D. Bodea, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 124 (1997), 401-404.
Calculated cross sections for the double excitation of the helium by charged particle impact, D. Bodea, A. Orban, D. Ristoiu and L. Nagy, J. Phys. B 31 (1998), L745-L755.
Double excitation of the hydrogen molecule by fast charged particles impact, D. Bodea and L. Nagy, J. Phys. B 33 (2000), L27-L36.
Renormalization – group analysis of the dilute Bose system in d – di- mension at finite temperature, M. Crisan, D. Bodea, I. Grosu and I. Tifrea, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 35, 239 (2002).
Fluctuation conductivity in layered d – wave superconductors near crit- ical disorder, I. Tifrea, D. Bodea, I. Grosu, and M. Crisan, Eur. Phys. J. B 36 377 (2003).
Field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation of interacting dilute magnons in three-dimensional spin systems: A renormalization group study, M. Crisan, D. Bodea, I. Tifrea and I. Grosu, Phys. Rev. B 72 184414 (2005).
Thermal conductivity by two-level system in glasses, A. Wu ̈rger and D. Bodea, J. Chem. Phys, 296 301 (2004).
Magnet-field dependence of the static dielectric susceptibility of glasses, D. Bodea and A. Wu ̈rger, J. Low Temp. Phys. 136 39 (2004).
Interaction-driven relaxation of two-level systems in glasses, D. Bodea and A. Wu ̈rger, PRL 97 165505 (2006).

International Conferences and Schools (a brief):

– 6-th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions, Debrecen, 1996.
– 7-th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions, Debrecen, 1999.

Oral presentations:
– International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Vienna, 1997.
– Manipulating Quantum Coherence in Solid State Systems, NATO- ASI School, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2005.

Invited talks
– Collective Phenomena in the Low Temperature Physics of Glasses,Dresden, 2003.
– Quantum Disordered Systems, Glassy Low-Temperature Physics and Physics at the Glass Transition, Dresden, 2006.

Invited lectures:

  • Aarhus Center for Advanced Physics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Den- mark, 1997.
  • UniversitBordeauxI,CentredePhysiqueMolculaireOptiqueetHertzien 2002.
  • Free University Berlin, Institute for Theoretical physics, Germany 2004.
  • Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, 2003, 2005, 2006.

International research cooperation:

  • Collaboration with: Universite Bordeaux I, Centre de Physique Molcu- laire Optique et Hertzien, Group of Prof. A. Würger.
  • Collaboration with: Free University Berlin, Institute for Theoretical physics, Germany, Group of Prof. H. Kleinert.
  • Collaboration with: Dept. of Theoretical Physics, ”Babes-Bolyai” Uni- versity Cluj Napoca, Romania, Group of Prof. M. Crisan.
  • Collaboration with: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, USA, Group of Prof. Michael Flatte.
  • Collaboration with: Institute for Advanced Studies in basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran, Group of Prof. A. Langari.

Participation in projects:

Thermodynamic properties of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems in the Vicinity of a Quantum Phase Transition, research project in col- laboration with:
– Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
– Dept. of Theoretical Physics, ”Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj Napoca, Romania.
– Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, USA.

• Magnetic Properties of Glasses at Ultra Low Temperatures, research project in collaboration with:
– Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
– Universite Bordeaux I, Centre de Physique Molculaire Optique et Hertzien.

• Nuclear Quadrupoles and TLS Density of States, research project in collaboration with:
– Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
– Universite Bordeaux I, Centre de Physique Molculaire Optique et Hertzien.
– Institute for Advanced Studies in basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran.

Major research grants:

• Nuclear Spin Dynamics in Semiconductor Nanostructures, grant for ex- cellence, research projects for young researchers, in collaboration with:
– Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
– Dept. of Theoretical Physics, ”Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj Napoca, Romania.
– Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, USA.


Reviewed Papers:

  • BV Quantization and the Flow Equation, L. Tataru and D. Bodea, Studia UBB, Ser. Physica, XL, 1, (1995), pg. 91-95.
  • Double-excitation of helium by fast charged particle, L. Nagy and D. Bodea, Studia UBB, Ser. Physica, XL, 2, (1996), pg. 81-86
  • Electron correlation in the double excitation of the helium atom by fast charged particles L. Nagy and D. Bodea, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 124 (1997), 401-404.
  • Two-electron transitions in the helium atom induced by charged particle and photons, L. Nagy, D. Bodea and O. Cozar, Balkan Physics Letters, 6 (3), (1998), 178-183.
  • Calculated cross sections for the double excitation of the helium by charged particle impact, D. Bodea, A. Orban, D. Ristoiu and L. Nagy, J. Phys. B 31 (1998), L745-L755.
  • Double excitation of the hydrogen molecule by fast charged particles impact, D. Bodea and L. Nagy, J. Phys. B 33 (2000), L27-L36.
  • Specific heat of a tree – dimensional semimetal near a zero temperature phase transition, D. Bodea and M. Crisan, Journal of Superconductiv- ity, 14, 163 (2001).
  • Non – Fermi behavior of the itinerant – electron ferromagnet near the quantum phase transition, D. Bodea, I. Tifrea and M. Crisan, Journal of Superconductivity, 14, 421 (2001).
  • Non – Fermi behavior near quantum phase transition, D. Bodea, I. Grosu and M. Crisan, Journal of Superconductivity, 14, 545 (2001).
  • Critical behavior of a two-dimensional dilute Bose gas, M. Crisan, I. Tifrea, D. Bodea and I. Grosu, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 15, 837 (2001).
  • Non-Fermi behavior near quantum phase transition driven by disorder, Journal of Superconductivity, 15, 271 (2002).
  • Renormalization – group analysis of the dilute Bose system in d – di- mension at finite temperature, M. Crisan, D. Bodea, I. Grosu and I. Tifrea, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 35, 239 (2002).
  • Fluctuation conductivity in layered d – wave superconductors near crit- ical disorder, M. Crisan, D. Bodea, I. Tifrea and I. Grosu, Eur. Phys. J. B 36 377 (2003).
  • Thermal conductivity by two-level system in glasses, A. Wu ̈rger and D. Bodea, J. Chem. Phys, 296 301 (2004).
  • Magnet-field dependence of the static dielectric susceptibility of glasses, D. Bodea and A. Wurger, J. Low Temp. Phys. 136 39 (2004).
  • Quantum critical ferromagnetism in NixPd1−x alloys, D. Bodea, M. Crisan, I. Grosu and I. Tifrea, J. Low Temp. 137 , 105(2004).
  • Low temperature behavior of a two-dimensional quantum antiferromag- net, M. Crisan, I. Grosu, I. Tifrea and D. Bodea, Journal of Supercon- ductivity, 17, 503 (2004).
  • Field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation of interacting dilute magnons in three-dimensional spin systems: A renormalization group study, M. Crisan, D. Bodea, I. Tifrea and I. Grosu, Phys. Rev. B 72 184414 (2005).
  • Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons, M. Crisan, D. Bodea, I. Tifrea and I. Grosu, Romanian J. of Phys., 50, 427 (2005).
  • Quantum critical proximity of the one-dimensional ferromagnetic phase, Romanian J. of Phys., M. Crisan, D. Bodea and I. Grosu, 50 437 (2005).
  • Metallic glass in two dimensional disordered Bose system: A renormal- ization group approapch, M. Crisan, I. Grosu and D. Bodea, submitted to publication to PRB.
  • Large n–expansion limit of the three dimensional ferromagnetic quan- tum phase transition, D. Bodea, M. Crisan, I. Grosu and I. Tifrea, accepted for publication to JLTP.
  • Interaction-driven relaxation of two-level systems in glasses, D. Bodea and A. Wu ̈rger, PRL 97 165505 (2006).
  • Dielectric susceptibility and heat capacity of ultra-cold glasses in mag- netic field , A. Akbari A. Langari and D. Bodea, J. Phys.: Condense Matter 19 (2007) 466105.
  • Nonlocal interactions in doped cuprates: correlated motion of Zhang- Rice polarons, L. Hozoi, S. Nishimoto, G. Kalosakas, D. B. Bodea, S. Burdin, Phys. Rev. B /bf 75, 024517 (2007).
  • Metallic Glass in Two Dimensional Disordered Bose Systems; A Renor- malization Group Approach, M. Crisan, D. Bodea, I. Grosu and I. Tif- rea, J. Super. Nov. Magn. 21, 51-55 (2008).

Reports, preprints and web posing:

  • Non-Fermi liquid behavior of the electrical resistivity at the ferromag- netic quantum critical point, D. Bodea, M. Crisan, I. Grosu, I. Tifrea, submitted to publication, cond-matt 0207712.
  • On the Belitz-Kirkpatrick comment on ”Specific heat of a Fermi system near ferromagnetic quantum phase transition”, by I.Grosu, D.Bodea and M.Crisan cond-mat/0101392.

Popular science: books, articles, talks and courses

  • Fysikkens Atman, D. Bodea, Logos bevidsthedsmagasin, nr. 3, 34, September-November 2005.
  • Hjernen et orkester uden dirigent, D. Bodea, Logos bevidsthedsma- gasin, nr. 6, 34, August-October 2006.
  • Faces of Time, D. Bodea, Die 7 Internationale Rhythmikwerksatt, Dal- croze 2006, Rhytmik in Licht der Zeit, Dresden, September 2006.
  • Das Bewusstsein der Erde, D. Bodea, Sein, no. 166, Juni 2009, http://www.sein.de/archiv/ 2009/das-bewusstsein-der-erde.html

Textbooks and other educational material:

  • Phase Transitions, M. Crisan, I. Tifrea and D. Bodea, Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca 2002, ISBN 973-674-061-x.
  • Finite temperature effects on the quantum phase transition in disor- dered d – wave superconductors, M. Crisan, I. Tifrea, D. Bodea and I. Grosu, Topics in Superconductivity Research, Chapter 3, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 35, (2005).

Contact persons

• Prof. Mircea Crisan
– Department of Theoretical Physics, ”Babae Bolyai” University
– address: str. M. Kogalniceanu nr. 1, 40084 Cluj Napoca, Romania
– e-mail: mcrisan@phys.ubbcluj.ro

• Prof. Alois Würger
– Universite Bordeaux I, Centre de Physique Molculaire Optique et Hertzien
– address: 351, cours de la Libration 33405 TALENCE Cedex, France
– e-mail: a.wuerger@cpmoh.u-bordeaux1.fr

• Prof. Peter Fulde
– Max Plank Institute for the Physics of the Complex Systems
– address: N ̈othnitzer Strasse 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany
– e-mail: fulde@pks.mpg.de