Tuesday 5th December 19.30 – 21.30
The screening will be taken place at the apartment building. Please arrive atleast at 7:15 pm at the reception for the registration.
In Concordia Venue (Copenhagen) and via Facebook LIVE STREAMING
Mind blowing quantum dialogue with ADVAITA and Dr. Phys. DORU BODEA about TANTRA & QUANTUM PHYSICS:
This evening’s Copenhagen Conscious Talks have lined up ADVAITA and DORU in a dynamic dialogue about Tantra and Quantum Physics. Meet them in this yogic symposium as they together will explore the Tantra of Physics and the Quantum of Tantra, which might create a magic inner quantum shift in your consciousness.
Advaita Stoian is an author, quantum physicist and scientific researcher, best known on his pioneering views on the principle of continuous and conscious transformation as the engine of evolution.
Dr. Phys. Doru Bodea (Ph.D.) is a physicist, specialized in quantum phasic transitions at Aarhus University at their Center for Advanced Physics. He applies the scientific spirit to spirituality in a sparkling discourse with plenty of practical facets.
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