Wir freuen uns viele Yogaschüler und Lehrer zu diesem wunderbaren Ereignis bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.


Camp 35 €   –  Verköstigung 40 €  –   Logis 15 €


– Lehrer der ATMAN – Federation of Yoga and Meditation zahlen keine Campgebühr und wohnen gratis!

Wann:  26.-28. Mai 2012

Wo: MahaYoga Zentrum; Brunnenstrasse 147;  10115 Berlin


Für die Anmeldung überweisen Sie bitte die Campgebühr auf folgendes Konto:

Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga
Deutsche Bank (BLZ 100 700 24),
Kontonummer: 48 350 70,
Verwendungszweck: Indra, Name und Telefonnummer des Teilnehmers

und melden sich telefonisch oder per e-mail bei uns an. Anmeldeschluss ist der 17. Mai 2009
Telefon: 030 / 325 358 58
e-mail: eruester@traditionelles-yoga.de

Da wir uns schon jetzt auf viele ausländische Freunde freuen, wird die Hauptsprache dieses Frühlingscamps englisch sein. Bei Bedarf kann simultane Übersetzung ins Deutsche stattfinden.
Teilnehmer aus dem Ausland können bei Anreise bar bezahlen.

Im nächsten großen Yoga Sommer Symposion in Costinesti (Rumänien) 2012 wird es eine Folgeinitiierung geben. Für diesen zweiten Teil ist dieses Indra Seminar und die damit verbundene Einweihung Voraussetzung. Die Folgeinitiierung beinhaltet ein Mantra für den bewussten Zugang in das heilige himmlische Paradies, Svarga Loka. Durch diese Initiierung wird es uns möglich sein die hohen astralen Welten auch schon in unserem Erdenleben zu erkunden, von ihnen zu lernen und durch sie innerlich zu wachsen.


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We are very happy to welcome you to the spring international spiritual Camp in Berlin this year! It is a great pleasure for us to experience this wonderful and powerful Indra Initiation together with you.

This ancient initiation was newly given for the first time in the Spiritual Summer Symposion in Costinesti, Romania in 2008. For all those who did not have the chance to participate last summer or who simply find their inner aspiration in this direction now, we offer the opportunity of this initiation in Germany and which also means qualifying for the follow up initiation which will be given in the Spiritual Summer Symposium 2009 in Costinesti.

You will experience a spiritual program from morning to evening with conferences, meditations and wonderful art exemplifications. In the end of the camp you will get the initiation in the secret mantra of the Great God Indra.


Food for all days: 40 Euro

Accommodation for all days: 15 Euro

Camp fee: 35 Euro

Extraprices for Teachers and fulltime KY´s:

The teachers will have the camp for free and also the accommodation, but will have to pay the food.
The fulltime KY´s will have to pay the camp fee and the food. Accommodation is for free!


The language of the Camp is English. Romanians can listen to the Romanian recording in a separate room.

If your flight connections are more convenient on the days around the camp, feel free to come a bit earlier or/and stay a bit longer. We are happy to accommodate you in our wonderful ashram and the spiritual atmosphere here.

The Adress of our Yogacenter is:

MahaYoga Zentrum
10115 Berlin Mitte

For those who come by plane or train:
There is a Subway station directly in front of our center. It’s the subway U8 and the station is called Bernauer Strasse

Download also our travel instrucions

Contact us:
Telephone: +49 (0)30 – 325 358 58

Here some little more informations about Indra:

During the time of the Vedas Indra was known as the king of all the gods. He was the leader of Devadasi, the god of the war, the god of the lightning and storm, the greatest of the all warriors and the strongest of the all beings. He was the defender of the gods and of the entire humanity against the forces of the evil. Indra was considered as a solar god, he was wandering through the sky in a golden chariot, handeling with great skill the celestial weapon, Vajra (the lightning). Among others, the great god had the power to resurrect the warriors killed in battles.

Indra is considered a “creative” god, being the one which established the Cosmic order; because it is said he brought back the water on Earth after a long time of drought, he is consider also a god of fertility. During time, Indra got many other names: Sakra („The powerful one”), Vajri („The one striking with the lightning”), Purandara („The destroyer of the fortresses”), Meghavahana („The one riding the clouds”) and Svargapati („The lord of the Sky”).

The celestial residence of Indra is the realm of the divine gods and goddesses, Svarga Loka, the celestial paradise surrounding the highest pick of the mountain Meru. This paradise could be moved anywhere under the command of Indra.

When he is properly appealed by the human being who is prepared, Indra can manifest in its inner universe all the whished divine aspects, helping it to understand these aspects by the live example offered, and like this the being is helped to accomplish them.
Indra helps all human beings who are full of love and refined eroticism to discover the delights of the mysterious elixir Soma. He awakes and makes manifested in the human being the spring of superior fecundity.

After thousands of years, the tradition of Indra is brought now here, and we can be integrated in its mysterious sphere of force. The human beings entering in spiritual communion with Indra by the initiation offered in this seminar will be able to benefit fully of all this mentioned gifts.

We have to mention that during the next Summer Yoga Camp, Costinesti 2009, a second secret initiation will be offered (to attain it you need to have already this first one), consisting in a mantra of the secret celestial-paradise, Svarga Loka. Through this initiation we will be able to explore this astral reality already during the earthly existence.