Ayurveda Fortbildung Workshop
„Ancient Secrets: Introduction into the Marma therapy of Ayurveda on examples of the diseases of modern society“
„Alte Geheimnisse: „Einführung in die Marmatherapie des Ayurveda an Beispielen der Zivilisationskrankheiten der modernen Welt.“
mit Dr. Pankaj Naram
Ayurveda Fortbildung Tagungsort:
MahaYoga Zentrum
Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e. V.
Brunnenstrasse 147
10115 Berlin
Ayurveda Fortbildung Veranstaltungstermin:
Montag, 5. Dezember 2011
15.00 Uhr bis 19.00 Uhr
Einlass ab 14:45 Uhr
Über den Fortbildungsleiter und Ayurveda Arzt Dr. Pankaj Naram
Vaidya Pankaj Naram Vaidya Pankaj Naram ist ayurvedischer Arzt und Heiler aus einer hunderte Jahre alten Tradition und ist weltweit bekannt für seine Pulsdiagnose. Die besondere Zusatzqualifikation des Pulslesens erlernte er auf traditionelle Art und Weise in einem “tausend-tägigem Studium” bei seinem Lehrmeister und Guru, Swami Ramdas. Seit vielen Jahren arbeitet und lehrt Pankaj Naram in verschiedenen Gesundheitszentren in Indien, Europa und den USA.
Pankaj Naram und seine Frau Smita Naram sind die Leiter der Ayushakti Klinik in Bombay und haben ihr Leben der Verbreitung, Erhaltung und Anwendung von Ayurveda gewidmet. Vaidya Pankaj Naram hat von seinem Lehrer 250.000 Pergamentschriftblätter erhalten, die darauf warten übersetzt zu werden.
Die Marmatechnik
Die Marmatechnkik wird als therapeutisches Instrument eingesetzt. Es arbeitet an 108 subtilen und sensitiven Energiepunkten im Körper. Marma kann sowohl als ein therapeutischer Prozess auf körperlicher, mentaler, als auch auf der emotionaler und spiritueller Ebene mit Hilfe von unterschiedlichen Techniken mit großem Erfolg angewendet werden.
Normal: 45,- €
Ermäßigt*: 25,- €
*Gilt für Schüler, Studenten, Auszubildende, Rentner, Arbeitslose und Sozialhilfeempfänger und Personen unter 21 Jahren, Vereinsmitglieder der Deutschen Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e. V. und der…..
Die Teilnehmer erhalten ein Fortbildungszertifikat.
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten unter:
Rezeption Maha Yoga Zentrum
030 – 325 358 58 oder berlin@traditionelles-yoga.de
Über Ayurveda-Artz Dr. Naram
Within seconds of putting his fingers on your pulse, Dr. Pankaj Naram can tell you what is happening within your body, mind and emotions. “It also goes deeper into the organs, and gives you the whole picture like an X-Ray.” Says Dr. Naram, who travels the world treating over one hundred people a day.
Dr. Pankaj Naram is a world-renowned master of Siddha Veda. Siddha Veda is the most ancient form of healing, with its secrets only revealed to a select few, yet beneficial to millions of people throughout the centuries. 2,500 years ago a healer named Vaidya Jivaka, the personal physician to Lord Buddha, created a secret society called Siddha Veda by discreetly choosing apprentices eager to learn the art and science of this most amazing and miraculously effective form of healing.
To become initiated into this lineage, there are many precise rituals, ceremonies and difficult exams, which are still practiced and observed. One can compare it to the position of Knighthood, a title earned by enduring many hardships and following an absolute discipline has to adhere to a non-negotiable code of honor.
The healers belonging to this lineage were all travelers passing through cities and villages, staying long enough to learn about the people and the diseases that affected them. They would discover how various climates, nutrients, habits, gender, race and body types manifest different diseases and most importantly how to treat and cure them. Living a nomadic life, as difficult and inconvenient as it could have been as also extremely necessary for gaining knowledge and access to different cultures, as well as to add to the collective wisdom that was to be passed on to the next generation.
Although Vaidya Jivaka was a physician to the elite, he found himself drawn to the cause of caring for the health and wellbeing of people from all backgrounds. The vastness of his knowledge and wisdom was a direct result of treating various illnesses affecting all different races. The rich and the poor, the young and the old.
Vaidya Jivaka and thereafter, every head of the lineage was expected to keep a detailed account of all ailments which effected the mind, body and emotions of his patients. Meticulously noting his observations of the root cause of each disease and condition, this information was then gathered and brought back to India and kept safely in ashrams and monasteries.
During the sudden invasion by the Mogul Empire, cities, villages and monasteries in India were attacked and burned to the ground. Students risked their lives to save the scriptures and secretly transport them to Nepal, then on to Tibet where they were hidden and kept safe from harm for centuries. The hiding places were only known to few, the knowledge being accessible exclusively to those who were to pass the legacy onward.
Dr. Naram started his journey thirty-one years ago by being accepted as an apprentice under the guidance of Baba Ramdas, who would later become his beloved guru. After a thousand days of Intensive training by his guru’s side, he was brought in front of the committee of elders of Siddha Veda lineage. The committee chose Dr. Naram to become the next head of the lineage, giving him the immense responsibility of transporting the scriptures back to India and translating them to make them accessible to the people of the world.
Dr. Naram’s journey is filled with stories of wisdom and insight, tales which transport the listener to a mystical realm. He tells the story of his humble beginnings and his ordinary life as an ordinary man, destined to bring the extraordinary into everyone’s life. He describes his awakening and times when his guru put him through life altering experiences and hardships in order to teach him the valuable lessons which would carry him through his journey in life.
In keeping with the nomadic traditions, Dr. Naram travels the world to spread the healing powers of Siddha Veda and his lineage. He has no country which he belongs to. When asked he modestly calls himself a citizen of world. He believes himself to be the humble messenger, to deliver the message that was entrusted to him by his much cherished guru, Baba Ramdas.
He is on a quest to honor the teachings of his elders and fulfill his life’s mission. Dr. Naram believes VIBRANT HEALTH and PEACE OF MIND is the ABSOLUTE BIRTHRIGHT OF ALL.
Dr. Naram is sponsoring many humanitarian projects:
- Over 350 HIV patients are being treated in India, free of charge. Their treatment includes all Ancient Secrets Herbal Formulas, laboratory testing and necessary Panchakarma treatments. Having heard of Dr. Naram’s success in treating HIV patients, Mother Teresa approached him and asked for his assistance in creating an HIV hospital. Unfortunately, Mother Teresa passed away before this dream could be realized but Dr. Naram’s work carries on.
- Dr. Naram works directly with Serving Those Who Serve (www.stws.org), a non-profit organization in New York dedicated to the health and well being of workers and Volunteers who served at Ground Zero and related sites. More than 400 people exposed to toxins following the terrorist attacks of 9/11 are being treated with the most incredible results. This project was entirely funded by Dr. Naram as gift to the brave men and women who risked their lives to save the lives of others.
- Three schools providing medical care and education for children with sponsored through Dr. Naram’s Foundation. The students of these schools are trained and integrated into everyday social settings. Many now enjoy a healthy family life and hold regular jobs.
- Dr. Naram’s love for animals is boundless. Providing them with care and treatment and freeing them from pain and discomfort has always been a major part of his lineage’s belief system and practice. After learning of the imminent shut down by the order of government due to lack of funds of three veterinary hospitals, Dr. Naram immediately responded by taking over the management and funding of the hospitals, saving the lives of many animals that would have otherwise been put down, due to the closures.
- Reforestation and replenishing plants and vegetation that are being used to create formulations is a passion and a duty of Dr. Naram’s. A substantial amount of funding has always been delegated to reforestation projects.
- Dr. Naram has been translating and restoring more than 450,000 pages of precious, ancient Siddha Veda scriptures that have been handed down him through his elders in his lineage. This is a time consuming, complicated and costly project. Dr. Naram has always shared the translations of the ancient scriptures with the world to further benefit all.
Dr. Naram has received many national and International honors & awards. To mention a few:
- International Man of the Year, 1994, by the International Biographical Center in Cambridge, England.
- American Biological Institute for ‘Most Achieved Man of the Decade’ USA
- Awarded ‘M.D.’ by MEDICINA ALTERNATIVEA Copenhagen, Denmark for paper on ‘Ayurvedic Cures for Azzospermia and Oligospermia’ in 1987
- Awarded PhD for Ayurvedic cure for chronic diseases – Kidney, Heart, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Arthritis at Spain in 1988
- Paper Read in: 14th World Congress of Natural Medicines 1988, Spain on treatment of Male Infertility
- ‘D.Sc’ (Doctor of Science), awarded by the Open International University for Complementary Medicines at the World Congress of Complementary Medicines held in Athens in April, 1989
- In 1999 Dr. Naram was named ‘Mahamahopadhyay’, Master of Masters in pulse diagnosis, by the Gujarat Ayurved Sansthan.
- Dr. Naram appears twice daily on Zee TV’s “Yoga for You” program, broadcasted in 163 countries, addressing a multitude of illnesses and conditions. “Yoga for You” is viewed by an estimated 50 million people around the world.
- In 2000 Dr. Naram received the title of ‘Ashok Chakravarti’, meaning ‘King of Pulse Reading’ by the Indian Government. This award is granted only every 200 years.
- In December 2005 he received the Gold Medal and ‘Man of the Year’ award from Cambridge University, England.
- In February of 2006 Dr. Naram received the most prestigious lifetime achievement award:’LORD DHANWANTARI BHASKAR’ for helping and healing more than 531,000 people from 108 countries suffering from chronic illnesses such as Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, PMS, Psoriasis, Heart Diseases, Kidney Failure, Infertility, Obesity, Slipped Disk, Cancer, Chronic Depression, High Blood Pressure, Chronic Fatigue Syndrom and improving immunity and quality of life in people suffering from HIV.
- Name selected in American Biological Institute for ‘The Most Admired Man of the Decade’, USA
- ‘True Happiness is Attained by Remaining Eternally Free of Dis-Ease’