Die spirituelle Gruppe der Aspiration unterstützt auf der ganzen Welt mit einem zeitgleichen Programm an dem tausende von Yogis weltweit teilnehmen den Gründer unserer Yogaschule und spirituellen Leiter Grieg. Wer sich berufen fühlt mitzumachen und wer die Aspiration hat mehrere Stunden am Tag gemeinsam zu praktizieren kommt vorbei! :-)
Zeiten: jeden Morgen 8:00-12:00 und jeden Abend 18:30-22:30
Das Programm läuft täglich bis einschließlich 21.3.2012. Verlängerung möglich! Schaut immer mal wieder auf diese Seite für neuste Infos.
8.00-8.05 Consecration
8.05-8.20 (15 minutes) Meditation – COMMUNION WITH GRIEG
8.20-8.30 (10 minutes) Blessings of the judges who will give the final sentence in this case
8.30-8.50 (20 minutes) Prayer OUR FATHER 7 times
8.50-9.00 (10 minutes) Blessings for Grieg
9.00-9.20 (20 minutes) Meditation – Laya Yoga of communion with Great Cosmic Power TARA
9.20-9.30 (10 minutes) Blessings of the judges who will give the final sentence in this case
9.30-9.40 (10 minutes) Meditation – Laya Yoga of communion with Great Cosmic Power TARA
9.40-9.50 (10 minutes) Meditation – Archangel Michael
9.50-10.00 (10 minutes) Blessings for Grieg
10.00-10.20 (20 minutes) Meditation – Laya Yoga of communion with Great Cosmic Power TARA
10.20-10.30 (10 minutes) Blessings of the judges who will give the final sentence in this case
10.30-10.50 (20 minutes) Meditation – State of Complete Success
10.50-11.00 (10 minutes) Blessings for Grieg
11.00-11.20 (20 minutes) SUPREME EFFICIENT METHOD
11.20-11.30 (10 minutes) Blessings of the judges who will give the final sentence in this case
11.30-11.50 (20 minutes) Meditation – Spiral with the state of DIVINE Grace ( if it is not possible to do in spiral it will only be meditation)
11.50-12.00 (10 minutes) Meditation – Gratitude
18.30-18.35 Consecration
18.35-18.50 (15 minutes) Meditation – COMMUNION WITH OUR SPIRITUAL GUIDE
18.50-19.00 (10 minutes) Blessings of the judges who will give the final sentence in this case
19.00-19.20 (20 minutes) Prayer – OUR FATHER 7 times
19.20-19.30 (10 minutes) Blessings for Grieg
19.30-19.50 (20 minutes) Meditation – Laya Yoga of communion with Great Cosmic Power TARA
19.50-20.00 (10 minutes) Blessings of the judges who will give the final sentence in this case
20.00-20.20 (20 minutes) SUPREME EFFICIENT METHOD
20.20-20.40 (20 minutes) Meditation – Laya Yoga of communion with Great Cosmic Power TARA
20.40-20.50 (10 minutes) Blessings for Grieg
20.50-21.00 (10 minutes) Meditation – Archangel Michael.
21.00-21.10 (10 minutes) Blessings of the judges who will give the final sentence in this case
21.10-21.35 (25 minutes) Meditation – Laya Yoga of communion with Great Cosmic Power TARA
21.35-21.50 (15 minutes) Meditation – State of Complete Success
21.50-22.00 (10 minutes) Blessings for Grieg
5 minutes break for setting up the spiral
22.05-22.20 (15 minutes) Meditation – Spiral with the state of DIVINE Grace (if it is not possible to do in spiral it will only be meditation)
22.20-22.30 (10 minutes) Meditation – Gratitude