with Elina Paun
Sexual continence represents by far the greatest sexual revolution of the modern society. By its particular approach to the art of lovemaking, it offers to its practitioners not only the chance to prologue the intensity of pleasure and an endless number of orgasms, but an entire system of values, that will transform their view upon life, by opening the doors towards a genuine state of happiness, fulfilment, an incredible energetic boost and huge resource of power.
This workshop is addressed mainly to my sisters, as I will aim to talk more about the specific feminine aspects of the sexual continence, exploring the definition of a perfect sexual continent woman, and about practical modalities that could help us, women, to achieve it, and thus, bringing us closer to our divine essence.
The Workshop will be kept in English
Normalpreis 25€
Mitgliederpreis 20€
Für Anmeldung kontaktieren Sie bitte Emeric at: eruester@traditionelles-yoga.de
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte Elina at: elina.paun@traditionelles-yoga.de
Anmeldeschluss: 8 April 2017
Name: Dt. Akademie f Trad. Yoga
IBAN: DE67 4306 0967 8202 1357 00
Betreff: „Sexual Continence for Women“