Vorträge und Workshops in Freiburg

Vorträge und Workshops im Ananda Yoga Zentrum in Freiburg

Die Verehrung des Weiblichen im Tantra
Kostenloser Vortrag im Ananda Yoga Zentrum

Datum: Montag, 13. Mai 2024
Uhrzeit: 19:00-20:00 Uhr

Für unsere spirituelle Erweckung müssen wir weder in ein Kloster fliehen noch uns im Dschungel verstecken: Tantra beginnt genau dort, wo wir uns gerade befinden – in einem physischen Körper; mit all unseren Emotionen, von Wut bis Liebe; in Beziehung zu anderen, in Konflikten, sowie Eros.

In patriarchalischen Religionen wird das Weibliche oft als Verführerin zur Sünde betrachtet und seine natürlichen Aspekte verleugnet. Im Tantra dagegen nutzen wir unsere natürlichen Neigungen und lernen, wie sie uns tiefer in die Lebendigkeit unserer eigenen Seele führen können. Jede Energie, jeder Moment, jedes Gefühl ist ein Tor zum Göttlichen. Durch die Verehrung und bewusste Arbeit mit diesen weiblichen Energien finden wir immer wieder zurück zu unserem Zentrum, zu unserem wahren Selbst.

An diesem Abend werden wir uns damit beschäftigen, wie im klassischen Tantra bereits vor Jahrhunderten ein System entwickelt wurde, das auch in der heutigen Zeit – frei von den starken gesellschaftlichen Einschränkungen und Regeln – genau passend ist, um uns mitten im Leben Zugang zu den tieferen und bewegenden Dimensionen des Daseins zu verschaffen.

Ohne Anmeldung.


VORTRAGSREIHE: Geheime Essenz des Tantra Yoga

mit Nina Krylow

Nina praktiziert seit über einem Jahrzehnt Yoga und Tantra an der Deutschen Akademie für Traditionelles Yoga. In dieser Zeit hat sie in verschiedenen spirituellen Gemeinschaften und Projekten gelebt und gearbeitet. Mit ihrer Ausbildung als Pädagogin liegt ihr besonderes Interesse an der Schnittstelle zwischen gesunder psychischer Entwicklung und spiritueller Erweckung. Durch die Verbindung von transpersonaler Psychologie und tantrischer Philosophie und Praxis strebt Nina danach, jeden Menschen genau dort abzuholen, wo er sich gerade befindet, und einen Weg zu mehr Freiheit, Liebe und kreativem Ausdruck aufzuzeigen.


📅  Montag, 13.05.24, 19:00-20:00 Uhr: DIE VEREHRUNG DES WEIBLICHEN IM TANTRA


📅  Montag, 15.07.24, 19:00-20:00 Uhr: POLYAMORIE AUS TANTRISCHER PERSPEKTIVE


Self-Knowledge through the Stars

Date: Monday, May 27th 2024
Time: 19:00-20:30


Life is a wondrous journey of self-knowledge in which we seek to fulfill our potential and discover lasting happiness. At birth each of us were endowed with certain energetic inclinations and tendencies, reflected by the positioning of the planets and stars in our natal chart and as we grow and mature from childhood to adulthood our personality and psyche is influenced by these placements.

However, this life journey is often filled with confusion as our way of being and perspective on the world and the major themes of our lives is quite different to the people we meet, to our family, siblings or even partner in our relationship. Harmoniously navigating and integrating these different perspectives is fundamental to our journey through life, so that we can understand and embody our uniqueness within the diversity of human life.

While the stars do not determine our lives, their influence upon our lives creates certain tendencies and inclinations. When we become aware of the impact of those energies upon our life and the energy dynamics between the people we meet, we become able to consciously harness these energies to fulfil our potential. We become more aware of our psyche and personality, what makes us „tick“ and what energies we are seeking to embody and learn about in our lives. Join Benedict in this free lecture for a journey into your „book of life“!

Anmeldung unter: freiburg@traditionelles-yoga.de



Over two decades of unwavering dedication to the exploration of various spiritual disciplines has been at the heart of everything Benedict does. With a deep-rooted passion for Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Astrology, and Ayurveda, he has immersed himself in these profound practices, gaining a comprehensive understanding of philosophy, psychology, esoterica, and spiritual wisdom in an ever deepening journey of self-knowledge that he lovingly shares with the world. This vast knowledge is integrated into his daily life and extends to teaching, courses, and training. Join him on a transformative and enlightening journey through life and to discover how to live life from a truly cosmic and spiritual dimension.


📅 Monday, 27.05.2024 – 19:00-20:30

Self-Knowledge through the Stars

  • Sacred Astrology offers keys to deeper self-knowledge
  • The natal chart provides a map of the lessons we came here to learn about
  • Knowledge of our energetic make-up helps us become more self-aware
  • Knowing the mysteries and secrets of astrology helps life make more sense

While the stars do not determine our lives, their influence upon our lives creates certain tendencies and inclinations. When we become aware of the impact of those energies upon our life we become able to consciously harness these energies to fulfil our potential.


📅 Monday, 10.06.2024 – 19:00-20:30

The Art of Forgiveness

  • The importance of forgiveness for our health and wellbeing
  • Forgiveness as a tool for spiritual growth and development
  • The 4 R’s of Forgiveness
  • Forgiveness Techniques and Methods

In this free lecture we will explore the importance of forgiveness in our lives and the essential role it plays in the advancement on any authentic spiritual path. We will examine forgiveness as key characteristic of being human and how the application of forgiveness raises our consciousness to higher vibrations.


📅 Monday, 08.07.2024 – 19:00-20:30

Love, Intimacy and Eros

  • The importance of true connection in our daily lives and why we seek it
  • The transforming power of love, intimacy and Eros
  • Deepening the awareness of our needs and desires and what they represent
  • Essential keys for building healthy and lasting intimate relationships

Intimacy and love are fundamental needs in our lives from birth and as we mature through adolescence into adulthood these needs can colour and influence our erotic lives. In this lecture we will examine how to unify these essential needs and energies in our lives and how we can build healthy relationships from a place of fullness and not from a place of lacking something.