Women Circle – How to step into your full Abundance – Spiritual perspective and tantric methods

On donation basis | Only for Women | 4 weeks course | Start: 15th of February 2024 | Thursdays 18:30 – 20:30 | MahaYoga Zentrum

About the course

Embark on a Transformational Journey: Alchemize, Awaken your Feminine Energy, Blossom and step into your Full Abundance! Join us in a circle of women and discover profound spiritual perspectives and tantric methods that will serve as alchemical tools, transmuting the resistances within to lead the life you wish for.

From lack to fullness – immerse yourself in the transformative journey of purifying states of scarcity, envy and jealousy. Start by cultivating self-love as the foundation and empathy towards others. Witness the alchemy that occurs when comparison is replaced with kindness, benevolence, and admiration. As you purify and elevate, you will achieve a more balanced & harmonious life and at the same time you’ll amplify the state of Shakti – the supreme feminine energy -within your being. Allow this alchemical process to awaken your inner potential. As you release the shackles of resistance, you’ll expand into the best version of yourself – a radiant and empowered soul ready to embrace life’s Abundance!

On Thursday, February 15th, we invite you to dive with us into a shift of mindset and embrace your inner power! Our Tantra Yoga for Women instructor aspirant Niluma Anne is delighted to take you on this journey.

What you will receive

In 4 consecutive sessions we will dive deeper into the subject with various methods in order to create an inner state of abundance and to empower you.

  • Theoretical knowledge
  • Practical exercises
  • Meditations representing the Godly Attributes (Plenitude, Goodness, Love…)
  • Homework such as creative journaling & self-reflection
  • The power of the group supporting you on your journey

FREE Pre-event on Saturday, 10th of February 2024

  • Session 1: Intro & Kindness
  • Session 2: Self-love
  • Session 3: Empathy & Active love and the Law of Occult Offering
  • Session 4: Cultivating Gratitude

Click here to learn more about the free pre-event


Please write an email to berlin@traditionelles-yoga.de, the deadline for sign-up is February 15th 2024.


Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e. V.
MahaYoga Zentrum
Brunnenstr. 147
(directly at underground station U Bernauer Str. (U8))