Recommendations from a medical and yogic perspective
What we see are warnings about coughing, shaking hands, and facial contact. But what else can we do? How can we act pre-emptively to keep our immune system intact and even strengthen it?
Substantial evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 has, for most people, similar effects to the already known influenza viruses. Therefore, our long known precautionary and preventive measures are also appropriate in the current situation.
Many things are elementary – we just need to do them:
Remember: „P-S-E-S-A-L-D“ or rather „Problems Solve Eventually, So Always Love Difficulties.“
P – First and foremost, Psycho hygiene is of exceptional importance. Fear or even panic can paralyse the immune system massively. So, it helps to be well informed and not to be frightened by the increasing numbers and the ever-tightening measures. Fearing epidemics, infection, losing money, and your job does not help anyone. It is crucial to keep the stress level in a range from green to maximum yellow.
Those who have a lot of stress are much more susceptible to infectious diseases! Therefore, avoid stress as much as possible – no matter which virus is in circulation! (Center of Health ZdG – Bruker)
We have beneficial microbes in our intestines, on our skin, and mucous membranes, and we have a sophisticated immune system.
The data we have now regarding this virus shows us that the vast majority of cases – about 84% – are mild. At-risk are people whose immune system is weakened (older people and those with prior illnesses).
Here is an English article on this topic:
Inner states such as optimism, hope, and confidence help to promote a healthier lifestyle and, thus, even a general feeling of well-being and an excellent resistance.
S – like the sun and vitamin D – If we allow ourselves 20 minutes of sunshine a day, when the sun shines, with plenty of skin exposure and without sun protection, considering the time of the day and our tolerance, our immune system will be significantly helped.
From November to May, doctors also recommend taking vitamin D about 2000 IU daily (checking blood level twice a year!) plus vitamin K2 100 ug daily.
Various studies have shown that a low vitamin D level is associated with an increased risk of infection with regard to influenza, colds and pneumonia (ZdG).

E – Exercise and sweating help to get the circulation going and to thoroughly breathe.
Studies show that people who exercise more have increased numbers of killer cells and, therefore, a more robust immune system. (ZdG)
Of course, we recommend an extensive practice of Hatha Yoga (sun salutation as well as all other static asana-s, especially the practice on Manipura and Anahatha Chakra). If you want to help even more your immune system, you can also add cold Kneipp treatments and sauna to your health-boosting routine.
S – It is also essential to get enough sleep and rest to strengthen the immune system. This also includes limiting the sensory overload and the influence of electromagnetic fields. For this purpose, we recommend using the mobile phone only with a headset, switching it to flight mode when not in use, or keeping it at least 1m away from the body. Using the LAN connection on the computer, instead of always using Wi-Fi, also helps. Those who manage to do so should switch off the flickering screens after 8 p.m., and when it’s dark outside, dim the light in the room or wear glasses with UV filters.
A for air or oxygen – ventilate rooms well and frequently, go outside and preferably practice pranayama (yogic breathing exercises).
For a healthy room climate, we also recommend you to spray essential oils inside the house (in alcoholic dilution) or to vaporise them using a cold nebuliser.
While we are on the subject if you want to fully enjoy the effectiveness of the oils, use good quality ones, like Young Living, DoTerra. Rub them onto the skin (palms of the hands, soles of the feet, navel) or even take them internally (food grade quality ones). We recommend the following oils for their effects on infectious diseases and their prevention – thyme, oregano, juniper, clove, eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon, lavender, basil, pine, and sage.

L – Ensure an adequate supply of liquid. Please drink still water (preferably with 1-2 teaspoons of fresh organic lemon juice per litre) or unsweetened herbal tea.
To strengthen the immune system, please altogether avoid cola and other drinks sweetened with refined sugar (also no spritzers). These drinks are some of the biggest distractors of the immune system. Also, juices are not for quenching the thirst but are highly concentrated food sources.
D – A healthy diet is another essential contribution to protection. In this respect, we do not recommend food with chemical additives or ready-made products, refined sugar, alcohol, or coffee. Meals must consist mainly of vegetables and cereals, together with plant proteins (legumes) and healthful oils. Especially when preventing and fighting inflammation, we need to ensure the right balance between omega3 and omega6 fatty acids – ratio max. 4:1. We should include lots of green foods (salads, fresh spinach, dandelion, and other wild herbs) in our diet, and now is the season for it. In the morning, it is best to enjoy fruit, nuts, and seeds. In the evening after 6 p.m., we generally recommend eating nothing or only a small meal, and no fruit or sweets as there is a risk of fuselage fermentation and liver stress.

Animal fats, proteins from dairy products and eggs should be consumed little or not at all, and meat and fish should be avoided completely. The power of spices (curcuma, cinnamon, ginger, oregano, and many other aromatic herbs) and the value of onions and garlic also needs to be considered as they have already known prophylactic effects. In case of an infection, they can alleviate the symptoms and shorten the duration.
As a healthy habit and for good prevention, we recommend fasting at least once a week or twice a year for a more extended period. There are various approaches to this. For an effective strengthening of the immune system, we recommend fasting only with still, clear spring water while also taking dried medicinal plants (more about this coming up soon).
Another regimen or diet that we highly recommend is to eat only food with a high yang quality (according to the principles of macrobiotics). This type of diet helps to build up the necessary resistance and protection against parasitic invaders and also to maintain a strong defence mechanism. Here is a list of the most yang-containing foods.
If we keep our digestive system in order, then we also keep most of our immune system in order. (after Dr. Franz-Xaver Mayr)
More tips:
- Nasal rinsing and gargling with saltwater solution (make sure you use good salt – no anti-caking agents or bleach)
- Bee products: Pollen 2 tsp/day very carefully chewed, best in the morning on an empty stomach, good pure honey (cold extracted and without additives) 2 tsp/day, propolis tincture 3×2 tsp/day.
- Perform chromotherapy (you would need a special device like this one
) during sleep, alternating between the colours yellow, green and orange (use one of the colour filters every night in this order and repeat them cyclically).

Yoga techniques to activate the inner fire / Manipura Chakra:
- Trikonasana
- Uddiyana Bandha
- Nauli Kriya
- Supta Vajrasana
- Nabhiasana
- Mayurasana
- Dhanurasana
- Dandasana
Yoga techniques that strengthen the immune system by activating Anahatha chakra:
- Prathanasana
- Bhujangasana
- Bhekasana
- Gomukhasana
- Yoga Mudra

Some effects of lemon juice for your health
1. Keeps the lymphatic system going
If you take your lemon water in the morning shortly after getting up, the body is very much supported in getting the reduced excretion processes, which are due to the nightly dehydration, going again. The removal supported in this way, together with the metabolic processes triggered by the citric acid and the minerals present in the lemons, also have an enormously positive influence on a healthy hormone balance.
2. To improve digestion
Anyone who knows belching or even gastritis quickly thinks his stomach is too acidic. But this is usually not true. Too little digestive fire (too little Agni due to a not harmoniously activated Manipura Chakra) leads to the fact that the stomach actually produces too little or too slowly acid and therefore the chyme remains in the stomach too long. Again, lemon water drunk on an empty stomach helps to improve this situation.
3. For the immune system
Lemons contain vitamin C, potassium and other minerals. Vitamin C intercepts free radicals and thus fights pathogens. Among other things, potassium stimulates brain and nerve function and helps control blood pressure.
4. For a alkaline metabolic balance
Depending on the surrounding environment, lemons have an acidic or alkaline effect, but in our organism they are only metabolized as alkaline. As an alkaline food, they thus contribute to maintaining the alkaline balance, which is one of the most important keys to good health.
5. As a natural diuretic
Lemons help to increase the micturition rate in the body. Toxins are eliminated more quickly.
The following initiations of the yogi-s are also especially helpful:
- Blessings
- Self Blessings
- Blessings for others
- Also 12 blessings for everything you eat (food, water, herbs)
- Tratakam with the Yantra Shiva Star and the Yantra of Maha Vidya Tara
- Laya Yoga 30 minutes with the Bija Mantra of Manipura Chakra
- Meditation or visualisation with radiant white and the following subtle streams of colour: yellow, purple, green, orange, pink against fear and lethargy

Shiva Star Yantra

Maha Vidya Tara Yantra
Recommendations from a medical and yogic perspective
What we see are warnings about coughing, shaking hands, and facial contact. But what else can we do? How can we act pre-emptively to keep our immune system intact and even strengthen it?
Substantial evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 has, for most people, similar effects to the already known influenza viruses. Therefore, our long known precautionary and preventive measures are also appropriate in the current situation.
Many things are elementary – we just need to do them:
Remember: „P-S-E-S-A-L-D“ or rather „Problems Solve Eventually, So Always Love Difficulties.“
P – First and foremost, Psycho hygiene is of exceptional importance. Fear or even panic can paralyse the immune system massively. So, it helps to be well informed and not to be frightened by the increasing numbers and the ever-tightening measures. Fearing epidemics, infection, losing money, and your job does not help anyone. It is crucial to keep the stress level in a range from green to maximum yellow.
Those who have a lot of stress are much more susceptible to infectious diseases! Therefore, avoid stress as much as possible – no matter which virus is in circulation! (Center of Health ZdG – Bruker)
We have beneficial microbes in our intestines, on our skin, and mucous membranes, and we have a sophisticated immune system.
The data we have now regarding this virus shows us that the vast majority of cases – about 84% – are mild. At-risk are people whose immune system is weakened (older people and those with prior illnesses).
Here is an English article on this topic:
Inner states such as optimism, hope, and confidence help to promote a healthier lifestyle and, thus, even a general feeling of well-being and an excellent resistance.
S – like the sun and vitamin D – If we allow ourselves 20 minutes of sunshine a day, when the sun shines, with plenty of skin exposure and without sun protection, considering the time of the day and our tolerance, our immune system will be significantly helped.
From November to May, doctors also recommend taking vitamin D about 2000 IU daily (checking blood level twice a year!) plus vitamin K2 100 ug daily.
Various studies have shown that a low vitamin D level is associated with an increased risk of infection with regard to influenza, colds and pneumonia (ZdG).

E – Exercise and sweating help to get the circulation going and to thoroughly breathe.
Studies show that people who exercise more have increased numbers of killer cells and, therefore, a more robust immune system. (ZdG)
Of course, we recommend an extensive practice of Hatha Yoga (sun salutation as well as all other static asana-s, especially the practice on Manipura and Anahatha Chakra). If you want to help even more your immune system, you can also add cold Kneipp treatments and sauna to your health-boosting routine.
S – It is also essential to get enough sleep and rest to strengthen the immune system. This also includes limiting the sensory overload and the influence of electromagnetic fields. For this purpose, we recommend using the mobile phone only with a headset, switching it to flight mode when not in use, or keeping it at least 1m away from the body. Using the LAN connection on the computer, instead of always using Wi-Fi, also helps. Those who manage to do so should switch off the flickering screens after 8 p.m., and when it’s dark outside, dim the light in the room or wear glasses with UV filters.
A for air or oxygen – ventilate rooms well and frequently, go outside and preferably practice pranayama (yogic breathing exercises).
For a healthy room climate, we also recommend you to spray essential oils inside the house (in alcoholic dilution) or to vaporise them using a cold nebuliser.
While we are on the subject if you want to fully enjoy the effectiveness of the oils, use good quality ones, like Young Living, DoTerra. Rub them onto the skin (palms of the hands, soles of the feet, navel) or even take them internally (food grade quality ones). We recommend the following oils for their effects on infectious diseases and their prevention – thyme, oregano, juniper, clove, eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon, lavender, basil, pine, and sage.

L – Ensure an adequate supply of liquid. Please drink still water (preferably with 1-2 teaspoons of fresh organic lemon juice per litre) or unsweetened herbal tea.
To strengthen the immune system, please altogether avoid cola and other drinks sweetened with refined sugar (also no spritzers). These drinks are some of the biggest distractors of the immune system. Also, juices are not for quenching the thirst but are highly concentrated food sources.
D – A healthy diet is another essential contribution to protection. In this respect, we do not recommend food with chemical additives or ready-made products, refined sugar, alcohol, or coffee. Meals must consist mainly of vegetables and cereals, together with plant proteins (legumes) and healthful oils. Especially when preventing and fighting inflammation, we need to ensure the right balance between omega3 and omega6 fatty acids – ratio max. 4:1. We should include lots of green foods (salads, fresh spinach, dandelion, and other wild herbs) in our diet, and now is the season for it. In the morning, it is best to enjoy fruit, nuts, and seeds. In the evening after 6 p.m., we generally recommend eating nothing or only a small meal, and no fruit or sweets as there is a risk of fuselage fermentation and liver stress.

Animal fats, proteins from dairy products and eggs should be consumed little or not at all, and meat and fish should be avoided completely. The power of spices (curcuma, cinnamon, ginger, oregano, and many other aromatic herbs) and the value of onions and garlic also needs to be considered as they have already known prophylactic effects. In case of an infection, they can alleviate the symptoms and shorten the duration.
As a healthy habit and for good prevention, we recommend fasting at least once a week or twice a year for a more extended period. There are various approaches to this. For an effective strengthening of the immune system, we recommend fasting only with still, clear spring water while also taking dried medicinal plants (more about this coming up soon).
Another regimen or diet that we highly recommend is to eat only food with a high yang quality (according to the principles of macrobiotics). This type of diet helps to build up the necessary resistance and protection against parasitic invaders and also to maintain a strong defence mechanism. Here is a list of the most yang-containing foods.
If we keep our digestive system in order, then we also keep most of our immune system in order. (after Dr. Franz-Xaver Mayr)
More tips:
- Nasal rinsing and gargling with saltwater solution (make sure you use good salt – no anti-caking agents or bleach)
- Bee products: Pollen 2 tsp/day very carefully chewed, best in the morning on an empty stomach, good pure honey (cold extracted and without additives) 2 tsp/day, propolis tincture 3×2 tsp/day.
- Perform chromotherapy (you would need a special device like this one
) during sleep, alternating between the colours yellow, green and orange (use one of the colour filters every night in this order and repeat them cyclically).

Yoga techniques to activate the inner fire / Manipura Chakra:
- Trikonasana
- Uddiyana Bandha
- Nauli Kriya
- Supta Vajrasana
- Nabhiasana
- Mayurasana
- Dhanurasana
- Dandasana
Yoga techniques that strengthen the immune system by activating Anahatha chakra:
- Prathanasana
- Bhujangasana
- Bhekasana
- Gomukhasana
- Yoga Mudra

Some effects of lemon juice for your health
1. Keeps the lymphatic system going
If you take your lemon water in the morning shortly after getting up, the body is very much supported in getting the reduced excretion processes, which are due to the nightly dehydration, going again. The removal supported in this way, together with the metabolic processes triggered by the citric acid and the minerals present in the lemons, also have an enormously positive influence on a healthy hormone balance.
2. To improve digestion
Anyone who knows belching or even gastritis quickly thinks his stomach is too acidic. But this is usually not true. Too little digestive fire (too little Agni due to a not harmoniously activated Manipura Chakra) leads to the fact that the stomach actually produces too little or too slowly acid and therefore the chyme remains in the stomach too long. Again, lemon water drunk on an empty stomach helps to improve this situation.
3. For the immune system
Lemons contain vitamin C, potassium and other minerals. Vitamin C intercepts free radicals and thus fights pathogens. Among other things, potassium stimulates brain and nerve function and helps control blood pressure.
4. For a alkaline metabolic balance
Depending on the surrounding environment, lemons have an acidic or alkaline effect, but in our organism they are only metabolized as alkaline. As an alkaline food, they thus contribute to maintaining the alkaline balance, which is one of the most important keys to good health.
5. As a natural diuretic
Lemons help to increase the micturition rate in the body. Toxins are eliminated more quickly.
The following initiations of the yogi-s are also especially helpful:
- Blessings
- Self Blessings
- Blessings for others
- Also 12 blessings for everything you eat (food, water, herbs)
- Tratakam with the Yantra Shiva Star and the Yantra of Maha Vidya Tara
- Laya Yoga 30 minutes with the Bija Mantra of Manipura Chakra
- Meditation or visualisation with radiant white and the following subtle streams of colour: yellow, purple, green, orange, pink against fear and lethargy

Shiva Star Yantra

Maha Vidya Tara Yantra